Our ministries.



We believe children are at the heart of God’s mission to raise a generation called to love and reflect Jesus to a broken world. Here at Realife, our kids are being equipped to learn, live and love Jesus! There is no junior Holy Spirit, only One who is empowering our children to know Jesus and make Him known!



Youth are the next generation of leaders in the Kingdom of God! At Realife we are teaching every student the Word of God and to know the voice and presence of God! We want every student to know the world they face and how Jesus came to help them overcome and become more than conquerers in life. We know God has chosen these students for greatness in Him!



The Adult Ministries at Realife Church focus on equipping and empowering every adult to take responsibility for their personal walk as well as inviting others into JESUS-centered relationships! We achieve this thru weekly bible studies as we study one chapter of scripture every week and also include corporate teaching and worship on occasional Sunday Evenings throughout the year!



Seniors meet every Sunday morning at the church at 9:30 am for fellowship and bible study. They have various trips and events planned throughout the year.